- Maria Lucia Uribe
- Director Arigatou International Geneva
- ml.uribe@arigatouinternational.org
- https://arigatouinternational.org/en/
- This is a partner organisation
Commitment 1: Promote Child Protection
Offer Support for:
- Ensuring a child-safe church environment
- Contributing to ending violence against children and adolescents in society at large
- Advocating for birth registration
Commitment 2: Promote Child Participation
Offer Support for:
- In society at large
Additional information:
Arigatou International comprises four main initiatives: The Global Network of Religions for Children that is present in around 40 countries and promotes interfaith collaboration on the well being of children; Ethics Education for Children that focuses on nurturing values and spirituality in children and fostering learning to live together in plural societies, addressing violence in schools, the family and society at large; Prayer and Action for Children that aims to contribute to end violence against children through the mobilisation of people of good will around the world; and Ending Child Poverty that aims to build partnerships and interfaith collaborations to address the root causes of poverty that affect children.