United Church of Christ USA

  • Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson / Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt
  • Minister for Ecumenical and Interfaith / Minister for Environmental Justice
  • thompsonK@ucc.org
  • http://www.ucc.org/
  • Church partners
  • Joint efforts under way: No partner yet
Commitment 1: Promote Child Protection

Offer Support for:

  • Ensuring a child-safe church environment
  • Contributing to ending violence against children and adolescents in society at large
  • Supporting child protection in emergencies
Commitment 2: Promote Child Participation

Offer Support for:

  • In church activities and worship
  • In society at large
Commitment 3: Raise Church Voices For Intergenerational Climate Justice

Offer Support for:

  • Promote eco-responsibility within the church
  • Promote eco-responsibility in society at large

Additional information: 

Commitment 1

The United Church of Chist in the USA has prioritized the protection of children through its "Three Great Loves Campaign" launched in June 2017:


Commitment 3

The UCC is addressing issues of generational justice, specifically the deteriorating environment that younger generations and future generations are inheriting.

-Articulating a thematic framework focused on what fundamentally motivates people to act for justice. The framework is called the Three Great Loves: Love of Neighbor, Love of Children, and Love of Creation.

-Spearheading an interfaith campaign to reach into the worship of faith communities. The Justice for Each Generation campaign calls for sermons in solidarity with 21 youth who are suing the U.S. government over its actions with regard to climate change.

-Partnering with the ecumenical organization Creation Justice Ministries to create a generational justice resource kit of educational and liturgical materials to assist churches in engaging this quickly emerging area of environmental concern.

Creation Justice Churches seeks to make environmental justice an integral strand in the DNA of each church because the first biblical calling and mission of Christians is to care for God’s creation.

Creation Justice Churches Website

Resource Kit on Generational Justice Produced in Partnership with Creation Justice Ministries

Video—Creation Care: A Story of Three Great Loves

Testimonial from Kiran Oommen (21), plaintiff on the Juliana vs. US lawsuit #youthvgov, United Church of Christ